Find a healthcare provider
Use our simple tool to search the Prime Cure Network for a private doctor (GP), dentist, optometrist, hospital or pharmacy near you.
How to get started
- Type your address into the block below or click the red button to use your current location.
- Use the slider to select how far you’re willing to travel.
- Select the type of health provider you’re looking for.
- Scroll down past the map for the results.
Find a healthcare provider
Use our simple tool to search the Prime Cure Network for a private doctor (GP), dentist, optometrist, hospital or pharmacy near you.
How to get started
- Type your address into the block below or click the red button to use your current location.
- Use the slider to select how far you’re willing to travel.
- Select the type of health provider you’re looking for.
- Scroll down past the map for the results.
Search for a Medical Provider
Search for a Medical Provider
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