How to find cheap Medical Insurance

How to find cheap Medical Insurance

How to find cheap Medical Insurance

How to find cheap Medical Insurance

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Even though medical insurance is making private healthcare affordable for more South Africans, you’ll often find that some plans are more expensive than others.

But how exactly do you look for a plan that suits your needs and budget? Without a strategy, you could be spending so much time doing research that leaves you more confused than when you started!

But don’t worry, because our team has broken down the process of how to find cheap medical insurance. Once you’re done reading this article, you will know:

How to find cheap medical insurance

Before we break down the process of how to find cheap medical insurance, let’s first talk about where you can find plans that are affordable for you. The easiest starting place is Google: A quick search for “cheap medical insurance”, and you’ll have a list of plans to browse through in seconds.

But how would you define cheap? A good way to see whether its cheap medical insurance is to compare the price and benefits of one plan, with other similar medical plans you have found. For example, compare plans that offer unlimited visits to a private doctor with plans that have the same benefit. A plan might look cheaper, but that could mean stricter limitations or fewer benefits.

Once you can go through those differences, look for information in Facebook groups. Taking the opinions you find here with a pinch of salt would be smart, but thousands of people talk about their experiences with different types of cheap medical insurance plans. Those stories could have useful information that will help you with making the best decision.

But if you want a safe and expert opinion, contact a registered local broker for advice. A broker can show you the full cost of plans you’re considering, giving you a full idea of how much a certain plan will really cost.

Why medical insurance is important

Like we mentioned in the first couple of sentences of this article: Medical insurance makes private healthcare affordable. Even with their limits and exclusions, there are cheap medical insurance plans that offer benefits like visits to a private doctor, access to dentists and optometrists, medicine and much more. These benefits are paid for as long as your policy is active, which is one of the reasons why medical insurance is important. While other types of medical schemes put you in a position where you’re paying out-of-pocket or using your savings to cover things like doctor’s visits, medical insurance plans make sure you don’t pay for anything you’re covered for.

But perhaps the biggest reason why medical insurance is important, is the fact that it gives us the opportunity to access people that can help us with our health. Staying healthy becomes easier when you can see a doctor or get some medicine. With medical insurance, those are just some of the benefits you get to enjoy.

The four steps to finding cheap medical insurance plans

Step 1 – Determine the level of coverage you can afford:
Since we’re all at different stages of our health journey, it’s important to know what level of coverage is perfect for you. Some plans offer standard benefits like private doctor visits, health screenings, medicine and more. You will usually have more than one option to choose from, since many medical insurance companies have more comprehensive plans. Some of the benefits of premium medical insurance plans include access to specialists, a wider range of acute and chronic medicine, accident cover and even lifestyle benefits like counselling and legal advice. You have many options, so take your time when deciding what level of coverage you need.

Step 2 – Identify the type of cover you need:
Plans usually come with different types of cover, which you can customise to your needs. At base level, cheap medical insurance plans help in taking care of your day-to-day medical needs. If you have a small niggle that needs to be checked out by a doctor, or you need a prescription for some medicine, standard Day-to-Day cover is perfect. But let’s say you also want to be covered in case you find yourself in an accident… There.

Step 3 – Compare different types of medical insurance plans:
One of the best ways to find a cheap medical insurance plan you’re happy with is by comparing it with similar plans. Don’t just look at the cost of benefits – Also think about how easy or difficult it would be to access these services.  For example, plans usually give you a network of doctors to choose from. What this means is that if a doctor offers their services through a platform that you have access to, you will be able to see that doctor with no extra charges. Most medical insurance websites allow you to search their networks for doctors in your area, so you will have the power to choose what is most convenient.

Step 4 – Search for discounts and incentives offered in medical insurance plans:
It’s important to know that medical insurance companies cannot offer incentives to potential policyholders. But with some plans, you can access lifestyle benefits that include discounts at certain stores. In most cases though, benefits like this do have an additional price.


There you have it! Finding a good and cheap medical insurance plan can be difficult, but using guidelines like this can make your decision much easier. But does everything boil down to price? If you would like to learn more about what makes the best medical insurance plan.

Not all Medical Insurance plans are the same and benefits as well as limitations may vary. Descriptions of benefits given are meant to be for general educational purposes only and you must ensure that you seek the advice of a broker to ensure any product choice you make suits your individual needs

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